About Past Pupils
The origin of the Past Pupils’ Movement is to be sought in the Preventive System, based as it is
on the supernatural love of the Saint for the young. The pupils felt loved by Don Bosco.
Don Bosco’s advice: "Remain united and help one another" acts as an inspiration to all
Integrally formed young women to be the agents of social transformation in today’s India.
Past Pupils’ Life:
- To reinforce and bring to perfection in the souls of the Past-Pupils the spirit of Don Bosco, and
to encourage the practical application of his teachings in individual, family, and social life.
- To promote the spiritual unity of the Past-Pupils and the actual membership of the Organization
in its National, Regional and Local centers.
- To preserve and reanimate the sentiments of affectionate gratitude on the part of the Past-Pupils
towards their educators.
- To keep in touch with the Past-Pupils and to keep alive among them the happy relationship of
good fellowship, even to the extent of eventual reciprocal spiritual and material help.
- To rouse and actuate those forms of personal and collective activity, which help to satisfy the
religious, moral, and cultural needs of the Past-Pupils.
Specific Objectives:
Acknowledge God as the centre of our life.
- To become signs that make God’s love visible.
- Have the courage to think, decide and act with conviction.
- Make the right choices in the daily events of life.
- Lead an exemplary life in the workplace.
Action Plan
- Strengthen Salesian Spirituality among the unit members
- Strengthen the Past Pupils unit through social media (What's app group)
- Collect details of past pupils outside our institute
- Conduct outreach programmes to render service to migrants
- Encouraging moments of prayer, picnic, family get together and sharing
- Render generous service to the Alma Mater
- Conduct tuition for the slow learners of our College
- Encouraging contributions to support the deserving students
- To be a responsible mother, sister, daughter, etc., in families
Members of the Committee
Past Pupil’s Delegate
Dr. Sr. M. Sebasti Jeya Pushpam, Principal, Auxilium College, Regunathapuram.
Alumni Co-ordinator
Dr. Sr. V. Santiagu Theresal, Vice Principal, Auxilium College, Regunathapuram.
Alumni Counsellor
Mrs. M.Julie, Assistant Professor, Dept. of. Commerce, Auxilium College, Regunathapuram.
Alumni President
J. Jeraphin, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Auxilium College, Reguanathapuram.
Alumni Treasurer
Ms. A. Thynees Rexy, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Auxilium College, Reguanathapuram.
Activity report of Alumni Association
S.No. |
Report |
Downloads |
1. |
Alumni report - 2022 - 2023 |
Click Here |
2. |
Alumni report - 2016 - 2021 |
Click Here |