Youth Red Cross

"Youth Red Cross" is one of the wings of Indian Red Cross Society. It is a movement organized at the college level for students between 18 and 25 years of age. A qualified Lecturer is recognized as the leader and he is called the Programme Officer under whose guidance, the students are trained and encouraged to manage the affairs of the group, electing their own Office-Bearers.

Auxilium College established its YRC unit in the academic year 2010-2011. The Youth Red Cross of Auxilium College is a part of the Indian Red Cross Society. It is a voluntary relief movement whose purpose is to protect life, health and to ensure respect for the human life

Objectives of Youth Red Cross
  • To create awareness among the students to care their own health and also others.
  • To promote mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation among all peoples.
  • To relieve sufferings of the individuals and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress.
  • To provide an atmosphere towards the all-round development of its members.

Jean Henry Dunant, also known as the "Father of the Red Cross," was born in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 8, 1828. The Red Cross was founded in Geneva in 1863. It is a non-profit organisation dedicated to humanitarian aid. Though it began by focusing on the needs of those impacted by conflict, it eventually expanded its scope to include the prevention and relief of human suffering during natural disasters and other periods. The most essential component of its parent organization, the Indian Red Cross, is the Youth Red Cross. It is a student-led initiative for students in colleges and technical schools.


“Health, Service and Friendship”


To be the most effective and dependable instituition in this remote area for improving the lives of patients with humanitarian concerns and, as a result, making a man whole by providing unselfish service.

Activities Undertaken
  • Blood-Donation Camp
  • Eye checkup Camp
  • Tree saplings Plantation
  • Participating in the Rally and Training Programmes
  • Awareness program on health and social issues
YRC Programme Officer's Pledge:

As a Youth Red Cross Programme Officer, I pledge to serve, to strive tirelessly for the development of health and the alleviation of pain and distress wherever I am stationed, and to hold youth of all nations in friendship.

YRC Member Pledge:

I pledge to look after my own and others' health, to assist the sick and suffering, especially children, and to regard youth from all over the world as my friends.

Youth Red Cross Committee
S.No Name of Faculty Designation
1. Dr. K.Boomiraja., Assistant Professor of English Co-Ordinator
2. Mrs. G.Suvetha., Assistant Professor of English Member
3. Mrs. K.Siva Karthika., Assistant Professor of English Member
4. Ms. A.Jenifer., Assistant Professor of English Member
5. Ms. M.Nivetha., II-Bca Student Representative
6. Ms. R.N.Subha., II–B.Sc Maths Student Representative